Used in herbal medecine to maintain the health and function of the upper respiratory track. It can help infectious states particularly in ENT (ears, nose, throat, respiratory system).
It help stimulate and boost imune system functions, lower fever, soothe sore throats, coughs, infections and inflammation of the airways.
It can also help prevent the development and agravation of various diseases.
(NN) : NN.O5Y6
- Help reduce inflammation of the respiratory track (asthma, allergic bronchial, rhinitis, etc.)
- May help fight viral infections responsable for airway inflammation ( feline rhinotracheitis, kennel cough, etc.)
- Help skin problems (rashes, bumps, pruritus, swelling, dermatoses of all kind,allergies, etc.)
- Helps support immune system functions.
- May improve thyroide disorders (when nettle is taking in combinaison with other specific herbs like ashwagandha.)
Administer orally or mix with your pet's food
Less than 10 lbs: 2.5 ml per day
10 to 20 lbs: 5 ml per day
20 to 40 lbs: 7.5 ml per day
40 to 75 lbs: 10 ml per day
Over 75 lbs: 15 ml per day
Suggested format:
0 to 20 lbs: 120 ml
20 pounds and more: 240 ml